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Showing posts from March, 2022


  Our life is finite but our impact in the society or among the people can be infinite. A good work always can be inspired you for your success and bring peace in your mind. Always try to be considerate of others but don’t let them walk all over you. You can be nice and have boundaries. You can be helpful and say no sometimes. You can be a good person and not be a pushover. You can be kind and not give to unreciprocating takers. Havening a limit doesn't mean you are bad. It means you know better.  Consideration is not something you get from everyone and it doesn’t come from asking the world to approve you but always try to considerate others for your mind peace.  Consideration always bring peace in your mind.  - Ezaz Ahmed  

Definition of Feelings

  Feelings  are not permanent. Feelings got replaced by other feelings. Sorrows can be replaced by other sorrows and happiness can be replaced by another happiness.  However, maximum time people can replaced there feelings. Sometimes sorrows can be replaced by happiness on the other hand, happiness can be replaced by sorrows. Feelings totally depend on your kindness and mindset .  Not the sorrows, not the happiness, not the feeling being special. Not the feeling being hated. Feeling just wipe out from memory not permanently. But for the time begin and don't tie them with you.  "Learn to live with this change, learn to adopt change."