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Farmer and Intern Student

The feeling of thirst is increased by drying the throat in the hot summer sun. So, I stopped my bike and sat for a while in the shade of the tent under the banyan tree. I drank water from a tea stall to quench my thirst. Now feelings of peace in the body. The area where I now sit in Tong's stall is the area where I did attachment training(Internship) last year. Upazila Agriculture Office sent me to this area for attachment training. So the rural path of the area is well acquainted with two or four people.

A farmer had just harvested the paddy plant and was sitting on the bench next to me, sitting with his head down. I was scared and looked at him. After a while he raised his head and drank some water and asked the shopkeeper to give him a cup of tea. As soon as I finished talking to the shopkeeper, half of his gaze came towards me. The farmer is staring at me now. I was also quite surprised. Why would anyone look at me like this! Thinking about it, the man threw a question at me, "Bapu, are you fine?" I smiled and said, "I'm fine, and you?" Well, but how do you know me? He shook his head in reply and smiled after that and said, Bapu, can I forget you? Don't you remember that you came to see the paddy fields last Boro season? The disease that attacked my field. Then you prescribe medicine. I applied the medicine in that way and then the disease was cured. The yield was good in the service. I sold rice and bought a bicycle for my little boy because his school is far away. Pray for my son to grow up to serve people like you. The man stopped talking now and sipped his tea.

I didn't say anything in the middle of his speech. Because, he was then in the final stages of emotion. And it's normal for older people to talk a little too much. For this reason, one of the writers lengthened his writing and said at the end that it was not his fault, it was his age's fault.

The damage they were doing to the blast disease last year was prevented by the Creator through me. The subject is acting as an awareness in my mind, I am feeling differently in my mind after listening to the farmer.

I couldn't understand where awareness is, today if I couldn't sit here. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Only then is it possible to get awareness. Because each one will affect you in the process. So it will be most beneficial for you to master the influences first. Because the influence of this phenomenon is now my driving force to work with farmers.

A good work is an inspiration for your success. - Ezaz Ahmed


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