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Fugitive from Existence

Salman is a boy of a middle class peasant family in the village but he has no anger or resentment. Because he lives in Dhaka like ten other middle class boys. There is no shortage of middle class like him in Dhaka city. After coming to Dhaka, the number of elite friends has also increased. His funniest thing is that he can adapt to any environment, so he thinks that human beings are adaptable creatures. They can be adapted to any environment if they try.

Salman came to Dhaka to study Intermediate after finishing secondary school from a village school. Ahead of his intermediate exams, he used to do tuition for family difficulties. But the test was ahead so he dropped tuition. Lots of reading pressure on the other hand money is running out of his meal. Salman falls in great danger. He called his father and asked for money. The father has assured that he will have to go through the examination for two months with three thousand taka and then he will not have any problem. Selling the crop will get him admitted to an admission coaching center. He also struggled a little like his father, but he managed to eat two meals a day for three months instead of three.


Salman is going to the village after the exam. After a few days at home, he will come back to Dhaka and will be admitted in admission coaching with his classmates. He came home and saw that the rice harvesting season was going on. He has been cultivating paddy with his father since his school days. Only the pressure of study has not helped his father's work for the last two years.


Suddenly, the price of paddy has come down. This time the yield production is more than the demand. Salman’s father is in a lot of tension. How will the family run if they don't get fair price of paddy, how will they admit his son in coaching? Salman's father wishes to educate him in higher education. But this man-made reason seems to be shattering the dreams of their family and countless peasant families like them.


Since then, Salman has not been admitted to coaching or returned to Dhaka. The dream remained a dream. He gave up hope of his goal and became frustrated. And for a while, he gave up on life.  

If you don't have patience, you can't reach your goal. - Ezaz Ahmed


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